Research Work !

These are my current contributions to the research academy. The goal is to have more and more.

PROCSIM: An Open-Source Simulator to Generate Energy Community Power Demand and Generation ScenariosEnergies, DOI 10.3390/en16041611, February 2023

A data model and file format to represent and store high frequency energy monitoring and disaggregation datasetsScientific Reports, DOI DOI 10.1038/s41598-022-14517-y, June 2023

EMD-DF64: A 64-Bit File Format for Energy Monitoring and Disaggregation DatasetsOSF, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/D7EBX, May 2022

Towards Pro-Social Load Balancing in Energy CommunitiesBuildsys'21, DOI DOI 10.1145/3486611.3492235, Conference Paper, November 2021

dsCleaner: A Python Library to Clean, Preprocess and Convert Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring DatasetsMDPI, DOI 10.3390/data4030123, August 2019